Bela + Sloan - Artists, Musicians , Lovely Young Ladies

Sloan  Irving


What do you do on Sundays?

Right now, I work on Sundays at a music store in my hometown.


What do you feel is the biggest sign of weakness in a person?

I do not think of people in terms of weaknesses.

Who is your best friend and how did you meet?

I am lucky enough to have many best friends, but Nadia is the friend I

have had the longest. We met on the very first day of kindergarten

while we were standing in line to enter the classroom. Since we were

both crying profusely and our mothers needed to leave, they untangled

our hands from their own and put ours together so that we might

comfort each other. It worked. Best friends ever since.

How do you waste time most often?

I am not proud to say that it’s by scrolling on my phone. I don’t

think there’s anything else I would truly consider a waste of time.

When did you first feel like an adult?

I’m still waiting. In all seriousness, there’s no specific time I can

point to, and I do think It’s still coming little by little. I am only

22 years old so am I really an adult, though?

How honest are you?

This question is both intriguing and daunting because the more I think

about it, the more I feel like I cannot answer it in any simple way...

I am not sure how to measure honesty. But I am sure that as long as I

can remember I have cared about truth and fairness and sincerity. I am

also human.


Bela Haye

What is the craziest thing you have ever done on a dare?

 One time I licked a banana slug. Was I 10 or 20 years old? Hehe I’ll never tell.

What would your warning label say?

 May Include Tummy Troubles

What is your next major deadline?

I work at an arts nonprofit where I’m learning to plan and teach classes - my next one is a character design & comic book making series for a community center starting in a couple weeks. I also sing and I’ve got a show coming up with my friend Sloan the same week! Lots of fun things to look forward to, and I’m beyond excited to have creative outlets and amazing people to make art with!!

What do you feel is the biggest sign of weakness in another person?

People who spout racist, sexist, homophobic bullshit. Also mansplainers can hit the road. 

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

 Lalala a ballerina on the moon! Also a marine biologist so I could protect all the sea creatures and swim everyday. 

What was your first job?

 Unfortunately not dancing on the moon, I was slingin pizza.


How honest are you?

A little white lie can go a long way… just kidding! 


Bela and Sloan are each a half of the wonderful music duo, Bela + Sloan.

They live in Petaluma California.

Hear them sing  here

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